Perception is a subject studied by Philosophers and Artist throughout the ages. Maurice Merleau-Ponty in his book ‘Phenomenology of Perception’ writes how Perception is the background of experience. Artist looks at Perception as a relationship between what we see and a clear understanding of that experience; in our case the viewing of a Bonsai Tree. In this video I take on that subject of Perception and how it can help you understand ‘what you see’ and translate that to a drawing descriptively and clearly.
One way of understanding “Perception” is to explore the phenomenon on how we see an object and how we interpret it in space. As a child we draw the world flat and symbolically, whereas when we mature, and experience the world 3-dimensionally, we begin to “describe” the world more in terms of space; this is reflected in how we approach drawing. The drawings created by the child is therefore much different that of an adult.
This video illustrates that they’re learnable tools that can help us define a descriptive space such that overlapping items, removing ambiguity, detailing and value shifting in the motif can better illustrate the tree we are drawing in a mature way.
I sincerely hope this video clarifies your understanding of Perception in drawing and furthers your interest in our goal to help accurately draw your Bonsai tree. Most importantly further your enjoyment of the beautiful Art of Bonsai.